Where has the year gone! Busy at work and making new clocks etc. The car boots this year have gone really well and its allowed me to buy more materials, so all good!
Author: admin
Hey folks, I’m busy making new stuff, so will get pictures and stuff up soon!
Meanwhile, here’s a picture of the White Rocks near where i live 🙂
I finally bought a new 3d printer and have been making some clocks (what a surprise!)
The printer is the Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo, and what a great little printer it is.
Hi folks. Ive added a new Viking-inspired coaster set to my Etsy shop. Depicting the Tree of Life on 4 stainless steel coasters.
Hi folks, just working on a new site, so hopefully back up and running shortly!
You can find my items on Etsy: